Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Tuesday after the Casey my wife and I were on a recovery ride and sure enough I was putting out 170watts and my HR climbed to 215, I stopped and change out my HR monitor with my wife.
Now with a new monitor I starter off and made about 100yds before I saw 220 at very low watts. Now my mind will not let me go where I need to be!
I talked with Bill and Jinks and both of them encouraged me to see a DR. So may first visit in 5yrs went something like this, I had a EKG, a chest-ray and four more test schedule over the next three weeks, the good news Dr Wheeler said its more then likely nothing to worry about, that some people’s body wants or needs higher Hr from time to time, and that I should continue with my training for now.
So as I started out yesterday I planed a good 15 min warm-up and started my 10 min tempo, I glanced down at my Hr to see a mere 213, turned it over to view time and dropped the hammer and never looked at it again, the training went good but I did have some heavy legs after the bridging intvs. As I struggled to keep my cadence with the 20 min Tempo on the down side of the work out.
Today I Took the TT for A nice 1 1/2 hr low E recovery ride, feeling pretty good.
Community service
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Bike Handling
If you are interested, comment to this post so I know if anyone wants to go.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Charity ride update
Thanks to so many amazing people BikeWorks Racing raised over $3600.00 to help support our war veterans.
The ride started slow and cold, Dewey and I were both under dressed for the early morning and low intensity.
As the ride began to unfold it started to heat up for BikeWorks , at the first rest stop Dewey and I were approached by Doug Levy(2008 Race across America Solo runner up in his age Group, 11th overall )He asked us to run sweeper on the course so from that point on we were sprinting from back to front changing tires, tubes adjusting chains passing out water bottles and really getting a work out.
On day two is where we found our calling for this event, we met Bob Briggs an injured veteran participating in his second Face of America ride, with only the use of his right leg and partial use of his left side, he was struggling in his Trke bike, I recalled last year as he was only able to complete one day do to bike fitting problems.
This year in order for him to make the steep grades and complete the ride he needed some team support. Dewey, another rider and I would ride along side and use a bar mounted to the back of his bike to help push his bike up the inclines. This was taking a lot of strength and at one time with the pitch near 20 degrees, Dewey had to dismount and run behind him pushing, without team work we would have never made it to the end.
With the finish line approaching Bob was about 50 meters behind the other hand cyclist and on his command we made one last surge as he closed the gap and finished in the lead group. His determination to complete the event kept him pushing through the tough parts and now with this great accomplishment he will have a new level of self confidence.
The present of BikeWorks was defiantly felt and the complements were many!!
Tour of Ephrata Photos
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Livestrong Philly Challenge
On August 23rd I'm going to ride the Philly Livestrong Century Shelly is going to walk the 5K. I'd love it if you would join our team; Clean the Pipes, by riding or donating. Here's the link http://philly09.livestrong.org/faf/login/teamPageEdit.asp?ievent=294753&lis=0&kntae294753=E094DEF9BD81480A857AD3DE78578A48&page=view.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tour of Ephrata Stories
Friday, April 24, 2009
Smithfield HAMmer Fest 2-Man Team Time Trial
Anyway, thought you guys might find this one fun.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Travel plan to Ephrata
Peace The Jinks
Monday, April 20, 2009
Casey Auto Crit Experiences
Friday, April 17, 2009
BikeWorks Racing Calendar-Updated
BikeWorks Racing
The races in bold are priority “A” and focal points!
March 15 Dismal Dash TT All About Bikes
March 28 Millport RR-PA Bike Line
April 5 Canal TT (Fat Frogs)
April 5 Tyson’s Crit NCVC
April Morgantown RR(West Virginia)
April 19 Casey Auto Group Crit JRVS
April 25-26 Tour de Ephrata(3 stages/2 days)PA
May 2 Wintergreen Ascent * CRC
May 3 Fort Lee Crit? Cycor
May 17 KellyCup/Bike Jam KBS
May 30 TNP/3Sports Crit State Crit Bid
May 31 Circuit Race Carytown Bikes
June 6 TriPower Amphib crit TriPower
June 14 PLT #1 TT VRV
June 21 Stony Creek TT (State TT) Karen Hanson
June 28-2 USAC Master’s National Championships
July 18 TNP TT TNP
July 19 Go Fast Turn Left Carytown
July 26 PLT #2 TT VRV
Aug 1 Ches Crit VRV
Aug 2 PLT #3 TT VRV
Aug 9 Page Valley Road Race State Championship
Sept. WVA race
Training races:
Feb-15,21, 3/1 TradeZone Training Series Bike DoctorMay-Sep Bryan Park Altius
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Casey Auto Call Out
It looks like cars are begining to fill up rapidly(with so many wives and children supporting us). I know Jack has also asked about transport. Can we get a head count here and state whether you are a driver or passenger and additionally, how many boys and bikes you might be able to tote. I hope Gus, Joe, Scott can make the fun!!! Should be one of the nicest days of the year, if even only spectating. So all, come out and be an...err...athletic supporter! Post up asap.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Scott April Trng
Despite being in LA for the month of March, I managed 3 weeks of Carmichael’s trng program. Up at 0500, tape feet and ankles and jump on trainer. Train candidates all day, treat blisters, pulls, tears, overuse syndrome, bruised egos and hit the rack at 2300. Started with 29 and graduated 10 for the unit. Returned to two days on the bike, two very late nights and a 0200 start. Good guys 2/Bad guys 0. I’m still hoping on Sunday I was just exhausted.
Mon 4/6 – 1 Hr Z2, 20 min tempo high Z3, low Z4 (low cad, 70-85 RPM)
MHR=193, Z1 116-125, Z2 125-135, Z3 135-154, Z4 154-164, Z5 165+
Tue 4/7 – 45 min Z2, 10 fast pedal (108-120 RPM)
Wed 4/8 – 30 min Z1, recovery ride
Thu 4/9 – 1 Hr Z2, 30 min flat sprints (10 sec ea. w/5 min Z2 between)
Fri 4/10 – 1 Hr Z4 (avg HR 166, 17 MPH avg.)
Sat 4/11 – 30 min Spinnervals Sprint workout, 10 x 10. Damn you Coach Troy!
Sun 4/12 – BW group ride.
Mon 4/13 – Cycle day off. 30 min trail run.
Tue 4/14 - 1 Hr Z2, 30 min Tempo high Z3, low Z4 (low cad, 70-85 RPM)
Wed 4/15 - 30 min in Z1, recovery ride
Thu 4/16 - 1 Hr Z2, with 20 min tempo high Z3, low Z4
Fri 4/17 - 1 Hr 10 min, Z4, stayed seated for all climbing
Sat 4/18 - unscheduled day off. bogged down with putting a bathroom back together and yard/house work for MA visitors.
Sun 4/19 - No Chain! 1 Hr, 30 Min, 17.9 MPH Avg, 160 BPM Avg. Great HR on the flats and attacked every hill. Need to start taking resting HR in the AM to ensure I'm recovering..day off yesterday may of done me more good than I expected. My best to the boys at Casey Crit.
Mon 4/20 - cycle day off. Ran 2.4, push-ups 50 x 3, sit-ups 50 x 3
Tue 4/21 - 1 Hr Z2, 30 min Tempo
Wed 4/22 - Ate Brkfst and lunch at desk to make it to the park and hoped to bump into BWR crew. started at top and raced (it's my log, I'll call it what I want!) downhill and spun back up. 4 sets. Ran into Ben as I was packing up. Good to See a familiar face!
Thu 4/23 - 1:10 Z2, VERY windy. felt like I was hill climbing...
Fri 4/24 - 1 Hr Z2, with 10 x 10 sec sprints
Sat 4/25 - Day off. Traveling to Louisiana and have a Fit test on Sunday.
Sun 4/26 - SOG Fit Test.
Mon 4/27 - 1 Hr Z2, 30 Min Tempo
Tue 4/28 - Long trng day, no time
Wed 4/29 - LONG trng day, no time
Thu 4/30 - 1 Hr Z2, 20 min Tempo
Monday, April 13, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Peace The Jinks
Virginia Beach - Pungo Death Ride
First, the weather - 50 -55 with winds out of the West at 20 to 100 MPH (maybe 30).
I had been forewarned that this ride starts fullbore. So, I headed out early and did a ten mile warm up. Problem was, we finished 10 minutes early and the wind ripped away any warmth it could find.
We leave Great Bridge Cyclrey at 6:00 sharp. there is a fast group and a medium group. I head out with the fast group. Bill Gilmer and I chat for a while, Kevin Horvath is there, I also see a bunch of familiar faces Gene Rutledge, Kieth Johson, ... I figure, "Hang on as long as I can, then drift back to the medium group. Half mile down the road, then turn left, cross winds are buffeting the group, nobody is echeloning. How the hell did I end up three back from the front. I take my pull, we're rolling at 25. i tuck in about three quarters back. The group is already spreading out. The pace is now closer to 27. Keep in mind, this isn't with a tail wind. We're about five miles in, I let folks rolling of the front tuck in infront of me (midpack gate keeping). I know the next left turn is going to jack it through the roof, we are about to benifit from that 25 MPH tailwind. I grab a goo and a big drink of H2O. Left turn, accelerate out of the turn, grab the wheel, tuck in and hold on. I glance down to see if my computer is registering this, my heart rate is in mid VO2 range. I'm holding. This goes on for another 7 - 10 minutes. At one glance, we're doing 30 something, I could'nt focus. That's it, I drift out and signal the guy behind me that I'm dropping off. Heart rat is at 98% max STILL! Speed is 31 MPH. I do not ride solo for long, I see Mitch from AAB drifting out. I do a Bridge Interval and grab Mitch's wheel. We drift further back at 27 MPH. As we roll, we begin to pick up more victims. Before long, we have the B group at about 12 riders and growing. Some of these guys look like death warmed over. Thus the name of the ride. We are now rolling steady at 28. Mitch takes a long pull with me on his wheel. Keep in mind Mitch is about 160 lbs. so, basically, I'm pulling the group. Mitch pulls off, I take a 30 sec pull and roll to thw back. what do you think those ungrateful dead looking bastards do now that they've recovered? Yep - jack it back up to 30. I hold on, take anothe pull and I'm spent. Lets see, Tueesday was suppose to be 15 minutes at Tempo and 2X15 LT. I think I got that covered. I'm still at high LT or Llow VO2. Now it time to do some TT work. I see guys drifting off the B group, I jump, another bridge interval. I'm with four riders now, we turn back towards Chesepeake - Full on head wind! the four of us manage about 18 MPH MAX. We actually maintain our gap. turn to a side wind, begin to close the B group. 36 miles down, 6 to go. We catch the B group, tuns out it had grown to be more of an A- group. Right as we latch onto the back, Yellow sign sprint! Looks like I'm TT'ing the rest of the way. I gathered up some other straglers. We finish less than a minute after the A and A- groups. The A group is talking about 35+ in tailwinds and sustained for miles.
I head over to AAB for much needed hydration (chocolate stout). On the drive over, I jump up in my car seat OMG I got the worst butt check cramp ever!
I will now schedule a boon-dogle (meeting) once a month in VB on Tuesdays just to continue this torture. I might need a 23-11 cassette if I aspire to ride this more often.
Thursday at 0715 we rolled out and did 35 with about 12 riders. Some rain but, 85 - 90 % Max HR.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Community service
By the the way, the bottles are fantastic! Come by to collect. Jeff, can you take a bunch to Jordan at the CCTT? Thanks Ed for your help creating set-up! Everyone seems to really have a hand in this team. It is for that reason that it's such a special team.
April Training Jordan
Resting this week, last week was Spring Break so I took a deviation from the standard plan and opted to do some mega mileage. I needed to just get out and enjoy riding as well as doing the training, and honestly I just wanted to see how much riding I could do in 9 days. Grand totals were around 560 miles and about 29.5 hours:
Saturday: 4.5 hours of Endurance riding (233 W)
Sunday: 4 hours of steady Tempo riding (262 W) - kept the power variability down to just 6%.
Monday: 2.5 hours, 5x10min subLT intervals (263-293W) on TT bike, plus 45 min spin class
Tuesday: 3.5 hours w/ 70 minutes of upper tempo (282 W), rest, and then 1x20min subLT (314 W), plus 35 min spin class
Wednesday: 3 hours w/1 hour of sweet spot tempo (304 W)
Thursday: 1 hour crit simulation (about 290W)
Friday: 1.5 hours w/ 1x20min, 1x15min, & 1x10min LT intervals on TT bike (291-300 W), plus 1 x 5min VO2 Max (327W)
Saturday: 7.5 hours Endurance (200km, 213 W)
Sunday: 1 hour EASY (181 W)
So naturally this week I have been taking it easy, recovering, doing just my spin classes during the week, but putting some effort into them to keep my lactate tolerance systems working, and today I will do a 1.5 hour race tune-up. Chances are that the "mega-week" adaptations won't totally kick in until 3 more weeks from now - Ephrata - which was the point.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Canel TT
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April Training Steve
Greg April Training
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Training Ed
Got my hurt on...not much more to say. Will be interesting to compare the numbers with next week's BI work.
10min warmup
10min tempo
20min tempo
4min warmdown
70min TOB
April Training Jack
Aprils Fools Day turned into a recovery day for me. The last two days I've been giving it my all during the commute, and felt strong throughout. But today I was struggling, even after a couple of gels from the shop. Maybe it was a little dehydration, who knows? I got home and decided to try and recover, and then make some stronger efforts later in the week.
I signed up for the Casey Auto Crit, and as soon as I get paid will do so for Ephrata. Any idea what hotel you all are staying at?
In other news I stopped to give a bum a dollar on the Falmouth and someone flicked a cigarette butt at me. Luckily for them it was recovery day, or I might have given chase.
April 2nd - Started the day off with a nice ride around Stafford, sort of an exploration of sorts. Did you know 610 eventually turns into two lanes? That is where I had to turn around because the drivers were really daring, almost running each other off the road. After my warm up I went to work, where I made sure to stay hydrated and to consume plenty of carbs. And as I was leaving, a spike shooter too. (I'm coming for that dollar bill, Bill!) The ride home was a beautiful thing - my energy seemed boundless. Back in Fredericksburg I used the extra energy to tackle the hill on Fall Hill Ave, and from Central Park a nice tailwind took me west to Spotswood Furnace road. I used the last five miles to cool down. No crazy people throwing cigarettes at me or yelling today, just a energetic ride on a route I know well. Now I'm off to sip a muscle milk and watch Hells Kitchen - good luck to everyone this weekend!
April 3rd - What winds today! Woke up, checked the rain out and jumped on the trainer for an hour before work. Worked in the Stafford for half the day, then went down to Fred to close there. Kept checking the wind outside in Stafford hoping it would change course - no luck. The ride to Fred was OK because I felt high strung knowing I had to get to Fred in a hurry. Pedaling hard on downhills into a intimidating headwind is no joke, though. After work I rode to GNC and was struggling physically. The original plan was to get a quick drink at GNC and keep going, but the massage chair beckoned. As the sun started to set I jumped back into the wind and hit River Road, where the wind and one steep hill had me at a speed I'm embarrassed to post. Two plates of pasta later and I'm ready to crash out . . . .
April 4th - Picked up some new protein powder earlier today, so I'm sipping the worst tasting protein shake I've ever made. The mix itself isn't too bad, but lacking any fresh fruit to put in with it, I had to improvise - semi old watery blueberry yogurt, one bottle boost, old freezerburned strawberries(estimated time in freezer 12 months) and two scoops bland protein. I'm gonna finish it all as I watch the Villanova / Chapel Hill game. Should give me the necessary energy for any riding tomorrow. After reading that Bill wants to do a faster ride I shortened my commute today. I went out hard earlier today and want to feel fresh for whatever challenge awaits me tomorrow morning.
April 5th - Its around 9:41 pm and I'm bushed after the KOM ride today. The ride itself consisted of two teams starting at the very end of the park and trying to have one of their riders win each of the three hills. Then, we would ride easily back to the start, and do it again. It went well, and was a good training experience, but numerous walkers, runners and kids on scooters impaired the last lap. We saw one other cyclist who was invited to join the procession - at the end of one "lap" he shot over to the other side of the park to resume his weekend warrior pace. I learned alot, especially that I have alot more to learn about tactics in cycling. O
On the ride home I still felt pretty hyped from the effort, but I fell out sometime around 5pm. The rest of the day was awash in compression tights and protein shakes. Good to see Gus and Scott today too.
April 6th - Normal commute. On the last half of the ride I was bonking pretty hard, hard enough that I had to stop and sit. Right before the bonk the sun was obscured by the clouds, which only sapped my energy that much more. Then the sun came out for a moment, so I took it as a sign to get up and keep moving. Still in low spirits as I hit Central Park, I noticed two younger kids were laughing it up in their car, waiting for the light to turn. I blew by when the light turned green, and one exclaimed "&%$# he's going fast!" Upon hearing this my spirit soared, and I felt like it was all worthwhile. Made it home as it started to sprinkle, and crashed out.
Good job to all BWR riders who rode this weekend - sounds like you all kicked some ass . . . !
April 7th - Signed up for Ephrata. Looks like you get a T shirt. Anyway, I'm nice and sore right now. Commuting into the wind today was nice, nice and tiring. I went by GNC but couldn't stay because the regional manager was there. I was gonna give him a piece of my mind about how the massage chair was for VIP customers such as myself, but then I realized I don't buy much . . . . I really just try to get samples and stuff on sale. Hope to see some people in the park tomorrow if it doesn't rain . . .
8 April - Hoped to hit the park, but had to go to Quantico after work. Did it all today, bit of regular commute, little bit of trainer time, and some hill repeats . . . . all in the spirit of getting the most out of my time. Its busy at work being the week before Easter, so I'll be glad when its over.
9 April - Shorter recovery ride . . . . nice weather throughout. Heard that it might rain over the weekend. I'm hoping not so that there might be a chance for an Easter Ride. I'll need to get out after all the chocolate eggs and stuff . . . .
April 10th - Looks like everyone is going to get out tomorrow - best of luck to you all. I went for a ride after work to relax after work . . . . nice weather, maybe a little windy. It felt nice to get some fresh air after glazing ham all day though. As I told Andre its pretty much a blowtorch and sugar type operation . . . . not too much fun but its a job, right? Right now I'm wondering how hard I can train and then taper before next weekends race. Looked at the start time - Cat 5 race is at 430 pm . . . . quite late.
April 11th -
Signed up for a training camp out in Utah this summer. http://www.planetultra.com/HoodooCamp/Index.htm
In other news, the Easter holiday rush is over at work. No more insanity there, so I can concentrate on getting ready for Casey.
April 12th - Nice ride this Sunday. After watching Andre and Jeff do their first bookend, I imitated for the second and third. For the remaining reps Ben and I would let them ride ahead and then try to bridge and catch them. After the ride I rode with Jinks back to 4 Mile Fork, crossing through the park to ride the short cobbled section.
It was a good workout and a good way to end a hectic week. Jeff was nice enough to give me some protein he had but hadn't used - after a nap and a couple cups I'm almost ready to ride again.
April 13th - The lungs feel a little stressed out after inhaling so much smoke from glazing so much ham last week. Couldn't let that stop me though - had to get to work. Did so and made it back home, stopping only at GNC for water and the restroom. My legs felt pretty good, but my mood was sour because of work. But thats another story.
Looked at the Casey Crit again, and the Cat 5 race is 10 miles - thats pretty short! I'm wondering if I should do another workout after the race . . . .
April 14th - Tried to make the most out of a day off . . . . . . . left the house after eating some old pizza and cold coffee . . . . went from River Road to Spotswood Furnace out to Rt 3, then to Chancellor High School. During this part of the ride I was trying to keep a high cadence. From there I went to GNC in Central Park. With a gift card I was given I purchased some pre workout stuff, which came in a bulky tub. Usually after making larger purchases I'll get a bottle full and come back later with a book bag for the tub itself, but my connection over at GNC resigned today, so it wasn't smart to leave it. With the tub in the back of my jersey I went to the shop, where Andre agreed to let me leave it there. Hit Rt 2 and then Rt 17, concentrating on staying in the drops. From there it was on to Southpoint, then Loriella Park, GNC. Some dykey lady had taken over for my friend and wouldn't sell me a powerbar because it was out of date. Back to the shop, picked up the tub, then to work for a minute. Overall it was a good ride, around 45 miles . . . . I felt good throughout. Could have dressed better for the slow drizzle which cooled me down after about the halfway point.
April 15th - Got a ride to work, rode back in a slight drizzle. I went to the park thinking that I could ride around til someone got there, but halfway through the first section it really started to pour. Took a left down the road that splits the park, then continued like I was finishing a Sunday ride. I was getting cold but my spirits were high so I kept going. In the downpour I practiced staying at a high cadence, and staying in the drops. Went by the shop, and then to GNC. Some guy was in there complaining about his body - he said "I hate going to the beach every summer and having to keep my arms crossed so my man titties don't show." Pretty funny. I was soaking wet and cold, so on River Road I tried to get as warm as I could. Back home I jumped on the trainer to warm up before I called it a day. Overall 5 miles less than yesterday, a good day.
April 16th - Long day at work, but still got a ride in, in two halves. Before work I felt ok, not excellent but not bad. Felt a little stiff from the rain yesterday. After work I felt great though, like I could conquer the world, or in my case roads of Spotsy county. Looking forward to a ride tomorrow, and then the race on Sunday.
April 17th - Felt a little tired from yesterday - taper today, then ride a little with Ben tomorrow. Relax tomorrow night and get ready for Sunday.
April 18th - Did a little warmup for tomorrow with the Gades. Looking forward to tomorrow . . . . ready for all the work to pay off.
Day after Casey - 45 miles on the trainer . . . . nice way to spend a day off . . . . pedaling and watching a movie or two . . .
April 21st - Same distance outside. Worked in Fredericksburg today, so no long commute. Before work felt fine, more sleepy than anything. But the ride after work really took it out of me. Seemed like my blood sugar was low, so after dinner I tried again. Went from the house, downtown, then down to Loriella Park and back to the house. It was nice to ride later because the wind had died down and everything looked cool in the night time fog. Had a few scary moments when I thought a mailbox was someone standing in the road though. Hopefully it wont rain tommorrow . . . .
April 22nd - Started tapering - 40 today, less tomorrow, much lesser Friday. Hopefully that works. Was going to hit the park, but my sister came back from VA Tech today and ended up spending some time with her. Interesting weather today, rain, then sunshine, then repeat. Looking forward to kicking some ass or getting mine kicked this weekend . . . .
Two days before ephrata - 20 mile ride. Time for me to start tapering . . . . today was a full day at work and then coming home to pack . . . . looking forward to seeing PA tomorrow!
Day after Ephrata - Recovery ride, still feeling the effects of the sun. Longer post tomorrow, I'm bushed!
Tuesday, April 28th - Windy day. Woke up feeling off, like sleep hadn't left me rested. Riding was ok though - I'm still suprised at how hot it is. One benefit though - all the females in their workout clothing throughout Fredericksburg! One good thing about the wind is that it left me pretty exhausted so I'm going to be inbed early tonight . . . .
Signed up for the crit this weekend. Not much else to report.
Wednesday 29 april - Totally beat. Recovery day in a major way. On the ride to work, I felt fine, and went too hard. This combined with all the miles already in the legs this week put me over the edge. Started to feel like I was falling asleep at work, and going home I could keep a decent pace, but the fatigue was there. At home I threw on the tights, chowed down and took a nap. Tomorrow I'll get some decent miles in, but slowly. That plan and a spike shooter should have me where I need to be this Sunday at the crit.
Thursday - April 30th - Kinda bummed out that my dude at GNC left for another job. The new guy is not the type you want to sit and chat with, so I've been avoiding the massage chair. Kind of a bummer because it used to be such a cool spot to go after a long ride. Another bummer is that my race on Sunday is so much earlier than everyone elses . . . . I've got to figure out what I'm going to do cause I want to watch the more experienced racers.
May 1st - Good day - was going to try for recovery, but the legs disagreed. It wasn't too hot either, and not too windy. I really tried to work on being smooth in the drops for this weekend. Tomorrow I'll take it easy so that Sunday I'll be ready to rock and roll.
April Training -Bill
20 Min test-park
Average watts 344watts-5% =328watts for new LT
Average HR-170bpm
weight-170lbs=77.3 kg
Avg. speed-24.2mph
Power to weight(95%) 4.23 watts/kg
This is only the 1st time I have broken into the 4s. Hope to keep things rolling and I finally got some confidence back since my fall.
BikeWorks Racing April Calendar
5th - Tysons Corner
Canal TT
18th - Team Presentation at Mortons BMW Open House
19th - Casey Auto Group Crit
25th and 26th - Tour de Ephrata