Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Inquiring minds want to know!
My Bikeworks brothers, what are you up to? It seems that posting has become sporatic for some and non-existent for others. Let's not let the doldrums of a cold spring dampen our enthusiasm for training logs. Did we suffer at the Dismal Dash for nothing? Of course not, we suffered so that we could tell others the tale. Do we continue to train despite the demands of work and family? Of course we do. Does knowing that your teamates are doing the same somehow make it easier? Of course it does. Bikeworks Racing is my TEAM. So say we all, so say we all, SO SAY WE ALL!
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You forgot; Did we quit when the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor?!
ReplyDeleteHere Here! Yes that's short for it hurts here and here and here. Miss not reading all the bike banter, boys. How come nobody even said anything in their post about me picking up the princess ball and riding it 10 minutes in the cables on the Sunday ride? Is Dre the only one who thought that was amusing? You said you did Dre!?It fell out sometime in the decent through the golf course.
ReplyDeleteI've been plugging away in my basement building my new bike. It is finally finished (with a little help from Dre) so tomorrow will be its maiden voyage. I'm with Jinks on his post, for some reason I am beat this week and don't really want to think about racing this weekend (sorry Bill!!!). I'm psyched for Tyson's Corner though. Thanks for the honk and wave by the way today. I did see you.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute, when did you pick up that ball? I remember seeing it. Only after re-reading your post did I figure out that's what you were talking about!
ReplyDeleteAfter last week work outs the Sunday low E ride was a big blur. I can remember parts of the ride and others are just a blank.It was nice seeing the Gades again and I look forward to ridding with them again this Sunday.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to all who brave the wet weather in PA.