Looks like the longest period for 'archiving' is monthly, so we'll need to re-do our individual 'My Training Log' posts monthly. You can go into previous months and see your/others' stuff too, but you'll have to scroll to find it. Sorry, this appears to be a limitation of this site's functionality (or my ability to comprehend it in any case!).

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What's the phrase...'in like a lion...'. Indeed. Fortunately Bill and I got down to Old Mill Park (OMP) early enough today to miss the snow, though certainly not the cold and wet. Good hour of low speed MT on cross bikes...followed by 90 min on the trainer watching Lance work his way up Alp De Huez in the '03 tour. Good work all things considered. Always good to work the old cross bike...supports the business case to the boss for having bought the damn thing. And as we all know, that's key to the success of future 'otherwise-considered-frivolous' purchases. Hope no wives are reading this. By the way, spotted a very clean looking black single speed in the shop on there a training-based case for one of those?
ReplyDeleteHey Ed,
ReplyDeleteIf you select the Options for the post at the bottom of the edit window, you can change the date and time of the post and "bump" it to the current date.
5x10min LT's w/5min rest after 1x10min Tempo
ReplyDeleteFelt pretty good - LT's were about same as last month in terms of avg power (@250) but seemed less strenuous (avg 4 bpm lower or so). Look forward to the longer LT's.
90 min EM w/5xsprints first hour
ReplyDeleteNice easy EM last night in the uphill trainer position with the sprints to break it up a little. Fun watching Lance, Ullrich and Vino duke it out in the Pyrennes (03 Tour). Looking fwd to the 20 Tempo rides on the TT bike tonight. Hard to believe we're headed for 70's this weekend. Yes.
Team Camp Redux
ReplyDeleteGreat concept well executed. Hopefully put us each on the same page on all fronts. Thanks to everyone for pitching in to make it happen, and especially to coach/trainer/teammate Bill. We've gotten off to a great start this season, and already put serious work in. I look forward to the rewards and satisfaction only disciplined individual and team execution can bring. Cheers!
PS...thanks Jordan for driving all the way up here. It was good to get some time riding with you.
2x20min LT's on TT bike in Park
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to feel the love only a TT bike can provide, and Bill's insistence that we actually ride the thing outside often is sinking in for me. Maybe it was that I got a religious experience from doing my last 20 min LT in near complete darkness in the park (little mis-judgement of the time...oops). Or maybe its just riding up and down the rollers enough to really FEEL the bike. Anyway, felt pretty good going in (said hello to Greg who was on his way out) and did 248/151/81/21.6 on the first interval, then 253/156/84/21.8 on the second. Couldn't read the meter on the second rep, so had to go by feel. That was actually a good exercise. Another good thing about the park course is its so rolling that you're pressed to shift alot...good practice. I also noticed that a 5-10 rpm cadence increase by using couple/three gears easier going up the rollers was very helpful at increasing speed/power without as much strain/exertion. This is different than what I find on my seven. I think maybe the stiffness of the TT bike makes this difference. Finally, noticed a big difference in 'felt' level of fatigue after these intervals compared to the all-out not as severe even though there were two reps at a fairly close level of effort (avg 253ish vs 268w). Guess that's a hard 15w at the LT/Supra level. Anyway, enjoyed not having to do this workout on the trainer and God love DST!!
EM & sprints in park (11 March)
ReplyDeleteRan into Steve, Bill, Jinks, Jeff, and Greg in the park...messed around a little and did some EM with a few sprints for 95 min. Felt fatigued from Tuesdays LT. Good time with the group though.
High End Tempo (2x30 min on TT bike) not recovered from Tue. Did 10 min warmup and then made 3 separate attempts at starting a Tempo interval. Each time struggled to get the watts up to 230 and hold it. Normally don't have this much effort/difficulty getting it to 260! Tried for 2-4 min and spun, then tried again, and a third time to be sure I it wasn't a warmup issue. Cashed it in and spun for a balance of 30 min. May take tomorrow off just the same. Could actually still feel some fatigue in legs today at work going up and down stairs, so not really a surprise.
Dismal Dash TT
ReplyDeletelike that 2nd week option Bill. I think it works all the way around
for anyone out in the swamp today.
I'm attaching my power file...we were talking about lowered wattage
avgs...mine was 245, 23w lower than my '60 min' wattage of 268. Out
was a bit higher than back (253 vs 237...16w delta) and that's what I
expected based on 'feel' and what little I was able to read on the
powertap during the ride.
Overall numbers were:
time: 1:06:58 (33:01 out/33:57 back)
dist: 25.42 mi (42.36km-ish)
avg speed: 22.77 mph (23.36 out/22.14 back)
avg power: 245w (253 out/237 back)
avg hr: 157 (159 out/156 back)
avg cadence: 82 (86 out/79 back)
Conclusions: Hypothermia-like cold, wet weather had an effect...not
sure just what but probably slowed us some. No disk or aero wheel cost
some time...don't know how much. Visibility was tough, esp coming back
with rain really pelting in our faces. Glasses in rain were
problematic...wound up wanting to see right at the seam of the glasses
and helmet lining. Visor in the rain would be good...maybe in all
conditions. Otherwise need glasses that really stay high on the nose.
Love Bill's hypothesis that we should look to up to15% (or more)
improvement from this TT to season's end. Motivating to have a team of
guys slogging it out in the hostile elements...very cool to actually
see four teammates on the road as I was grinding away. Great job to
everyone, including Jeff and the renegades (Jack and Ben). Ken, Dre, we were thinking of you guys! We all bet that this will not be the worse weather we race in this season (though I'm not sure how we're gonna top it temp-wise unless that's SOON) so you'll have plenty of time to suffer with us!
EM with 5 Sprints
ReplyDeleteEasy night after Monday off...5 sprints 5 min apart (spaced from 20min to 40min into the ride) on trainer in context of easy 90 min EM. Got corrected finishing numbers (CCTT) from the chip timing guy. Wound up being correct compared to my powertap stats. Apparently the issue was around a mix-up of starting times.
Hopefully taking the easy day Tuesday will make the hard day Wed more effective in the scheme of things.
2x20 LT on TT Bike in Park
ReplyDeleteMust have been something in the park air today (and yesterday). Bill and Greg have both reported unusually strong outputs on these LT's, and with no greater effort. I had a similar experience in that my two LT's, which I normally do at avg 250w (92% LT), I did today at avg 268 w (100% LT). The numbers for each of these LT's (w/5 min spinning between) were amazingly similar:
LT1-avg 268w/22.89mph/92rpm/156bpm
LT2-avg 268w/22.90mph/90rpm/158bpm
Actually my focus today was not on going particularly hard, but on trying to ride at a higher cadence, expressly not to 'grind'. After Sunday's CC TT I've started to think I'm losing efficiency by using sub-optimally hard gears. So today I had a singular stay in gears I could readily (if not easily) push fast. I paid very close attention to the jump/drop in wattage as I switched gears from hard to easy and easy to hard. On every uphill rise I got significantly higher power by liberally shifting to easy gears. On declines I had to really focus on shifting quickly to successively harder gears to keep the power up, but not so hard as to drop cadence too much. The results seem to speak for themselves...avg cadence of 90-92 is probably better than the 80-82 I've been riding. I imagine this advantage will be even more important over a 1 hour effort since any semblance of grinding for someone as lightly muscled as I am (low 140's) can't be maintained efficiently. Don't know how this will translate in a flat TT though since the high rev easy gear spin/high power output combo seems to work best going upward, not on the flats. Should be an interesting test at month's end.
6x6min LT w/3min rest- 80rpm (road bike-7)
ReplyDeleteCouldn't resist trying these out in the park. Something about available daylight after so much trainer time this winter...
Anyhow, focused pretty intensly on hitting the 80rpm cadence (simiulating the MT of climbs somewhat). In the park this is a challenge but I figured practice will make this easier to do. Greg posed a question about his workout that I also there some longer term benefit to working at the higher end of the LT zone compared to at the low end? I'm guessing the answer is yes, as long as doing so works in the context of the overall weekly/monthly workout load. For example, I think we are all finding that right about now (for some reason) we're all finding it possible to hit higher power numbers with same it progression? My normal LT interval target has been 250 in the my intervals were 274,275,282,284,286,290...with no greater effort and avg cadence right at 80. So on average about 30w higher per interval. Not sure if being outside is a factor, certainly nice to be out in the wind rather than dripping in my indoor sweatshop. Will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow in the fast paceline ride. Maybe I'll be paying the price...but don't expect that to be the case because I really didn't feel that taxed (but I was freezing coming home as the temp really dropped around EENT). We'll are the detailed numbers:
3man break drill 48min-Bill,Ed,Greg
ReplyDeleteToday we were the winning break in the Caroline County Spring Classic. Cleverly escaped from the field at 2km out and never looked back. Bill, Greg and I annihilated the field by pulling smoothly and devastatingly away and maximizing recovery through expert timing and drafting. Overall 48 min effort into some stiff winds was (for me):
Great win, and none too soon as Bill promptly flatted during the warmdown. After fixing the flat the victory procession back into and around town was sweet and fitting. Here's to next week and the 123 at Millport.
Down Week Summary
ReplyDeleteLot's of other stuff going on this week, good time for less TOB. Did a couple of spins and a little E w/some sprints...hopefully recovery has happened in there someplace. Look fwd to the challenge of the 123 race at Millport tomorrow with Bill. Hope to catch you guys again on Sunday am's E ride.
Good luck with the race sir !
ReplyDeleteMillport RR, Pro123
ReplyDeleteWeather was good if a bit windy. Course was in good shape. But man was the heat hot in the kitchen. For me the race broke down to two phases: Lap 1 of 18 (2.7 mile laps)...struggling to hang on by my fingernails. Laps 2-finish, 1 hr 45 min TT. Couple of random observations...these guys were careful moving around...almost polite by comparison to any other field I've been in. Power accelerations were amazing to watch; this was my first in-person, racer-view of guys putting down this kind of power & speed AS A COHESIVE GROUP. Sure, they broke up eventually, but not til the end and not that much. I have to say I feel something like awe. The bar is very high now. Anybody know a muscle graft specialist?
7x5 min LT's (trainer)
ReplyDeleteThese were not awful but definitely not easy either tonight. Did a 15 min warmup, the 10 min tempo ride, and on to the main event...3 min rest between intervals.
Numbers were:
int1 - 18.09/138/76/10.42/253
int2 - 18.05/143/77/10.61/257
int3 - 17.96/146/76/10.58/255
int4 - 17.89/148/78/10.65/255
int5 - 18.14/150/76/10.47/255
int6 - 18.21/151/79/10.44/255
int7 - 18.44/152/77/10.28/254