What motivates me to go on a 3 1/2 hr low E ride on a day like today, with the wind gusting and the Temps low enough to freeze your lips together.
Sometimes it may be Team mates or a personal goal that maintains one's focus, maybe its something inside us to drive to higher levels so we can fulfill our lives with some type of self accomplishment.
Maybe, but today my motivation was force fed by my daughter Savannah. It happen like this, I got my core work done and was pounding excuses not to do my 3 1/2 hr training ride, when I happen to see Savannah's training schedule on the end table.
This is a personalize softball pitching schedule she has made and tailored for herself, I had no influence what so ever (or Did I?)
It was laid out AIR THRU 150, SNAPS 1000, ARM CIRCLES 300, pingerlims 100, power pitches 60, she does her training in our garage we have everything she needs set up and ready, but it is colder in there then outside. At the very bottom of her Training diary she had a blank, what did I do well today? And a blank what needs more work, and then it was the mother of all Questions HONESTLY DID I TRY MY HARDEST??? So on my ride I would ask myself is it I who is teaching Savannah good work ethics thru self example or is she motivating me to perform up to my potential?
either way it’s a win, win, at the end a 3 1/2 hr ride some food and off to her pitching clinic where she would whirl balls 50 MPH at me for another two hrs. So the answer for today YES I honestly tried my best, I will now ask myself this Question everyday. THANKS SAVANNAH!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010
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Thanks for the post Jeff. In the cold of winter you definitely brought the warmth of insight.
ReplyDeletetoday was core work, and I adjusted my weight lifting so today I did upper body work, I got that from Bill's post, this will allow me to focuses on my lower body and then add the on bike PE1 with more quality and hopefully not get hammered as hard as last Thursday weight training
ReplyDeleteTonight hit the weights lower body only and then on the trainer for some PE1, I can really feel the result of my strength training starting to pay off.
ReplyDeletelast night was core work upper body weight lifting and then on the TT bike for 1hr, breaking the weight lifting up has really helped with faster recovery.
ReplyDeleteTonight I will hit the Y and try to destroy my lower body with weights jump on a bike and spin the legs out.
Last night core work and REST!!!
ReplyDeleteToday 2 1/2 hr ride on my MT bike, taking her to the road
First full body weight lifting and then a Great ride, 3hr on the Mt bike with 1hr at low cadence in tempo hr rate, man I could feel the burn!! My legs are on fire I need some food and the old hot water cold water treatment. The Roads down here look good are you guys still planning on riding inside tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteGot my core work out of the way and then Headed outside again today with the MT bike, set the hr rate on low E zone and stayed very consistent with a really productive Low E ride, the hart rate avg. was 126, but the torque felt on the high side, but a good 4hr at 126 hr. after 7hrs of riding outside in the cold I am ready for tomorrow’s rest day!
ReplyDeleteYesterday was back at the weights, lower body and then on the bike for some PE1s. Today my legs feel good considering the amount of tension I was applying during the intervals. very productive work out I feel better about my work out, when I can add bike work right after strength training.
ReplyDeleteToday upper body weight training, good core work out and toped it off with a 1hr recovery ride, still headed forward on my way back!
ReplyDeleteSounding like a broken record, last night was lower body weight training and then on the bike with the front wheel jacked to the sky PE 1 x 1hr. a great productive work out. Change is on its way!!!
ReplyDeleteAs this week will end my weight training, I will start to add LT to my training in Feb.
With the weather so nice, me and a few guys from work decided to hit the trails, it’s always fun to go to loadi, but today was a little more challenging with the mud, I stopped counting when I hit the ground for the 4th time. Not anything real badly but I do have some battle scars. I hope the rain holds off Sunday, I plan on pushing 3 1/2 -4 hr tomorrow just incase it does rain Sunday.
ReplyDeleteSorry I was not ready for the team ride on Saturday, but I needed to finished my training block as scheduled. So Saturday I was to focus on my tempo ridding and man I felt good, but I'm pretty sure my power meter was giving me false readings,( the #s I was seeing were high) but anyhow I pushed
ReplyDelete1 1/2 hr at tempo and a total of 3 1/2 hrs,
Next week is all about recovery and rest!!!
this week has been all about recovery, my first recovery week since NOV. and man I need it. so far I have done two 45min recovery rides and one core work out. Tonight I plan on core and 1 1/2 hr recovery ride, I have to make time this week to get my power test done so Bill can help me with adjusting my zones.
ReplyDelete.Today was my first LT training of the year, 3 x 10 min Lts. they when pretty good the 1st when by so fast I ended up with 12 min and the next two slowly began to work me down, I n the end I droped about 10 watts from the 1st to the 3rd and maintained the same h rate.1 1/2 total.
ReplyDelete10 watts is not a bad drop at all, especially since your first effort was 20% longer! Way to go!
ReplyDeleteyesterday i headed out for a total 1 1/2 hr with two 20 min efforts at tempo, I must have under est. my tempo power on the first efforts, so I increased the Hart rate and power on the 2end interval and I believe I was still on the conservative side, very please with the results.
ReplyDelete255watts at 149 hart rate,I need to focous more and get my hart rate between 154-158 for that is my true tempo.
yesterday was a nice MT bike ride, it nice to hit the dirt for a change up and it adds a good upper body work out, after i got home did my core work and called it a Day or a good week of training!!
ReplyDeleteSaturday was core work x 2 Sunday was 2 1/2 hr of digging out and then 6x 6 min climbing LTs 6 on 3 off x3 then 10min recovery and another 6 on 3 off x 3